Saturday, June 21, 2008

Big Picture Principle

People who remain self-centered and self-serving will always have a hard time getting along with others. To help them break that pattern of living, they need to see the big picture, which requires perspective, maturity and responsibility. Here are some steps to follow:

Get out of your “own little world.” Go places you have never gone, meet the kinds of people you do not know, and do the things you have not done before.

Check your ego at the door. If your focus is always on yourself, you’ll never be able to build positive relationships.

Understand what brings fulfillment. Ultimately, the things that bring fulfillment involve others. A person who is entirely self-focused will always feel restless and hungry because he or she separates him- or herself from what’s most important in life: people.
Soundview Executive Book Summaries John C. Maxwell "Winning with People"

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