Saturday, June 21, 2008

Confrontation Principle

Caring for people should precede confronting people. Conflict is like cancer: Early detection increases the possibility of a healthy outcome. While intellectually it’s simple to resolve conflict, emotionally it can be difficult. It requires honesty, humility and dedication to the relationship. Take these steps when confronting someone:

Confront a person only if you care about that person. It is more productive to go into a confrontation keeping the other person’s interests in mind.
Meet together as soon as possible. Putting off confrontation only causes the situation to fester.
First seek understanding, not necessarily agreement. The person who gives an opinion before he or she understands is human, but the person who gives a judgment before he or she understands is a fool.
Outline the issue. Be positive, describe your perceptions, state how this situation makes you feel, and explain why this is important to you.
Encourage a response.
Agree to an action plan that clearly identifies the issue and spells out concrete steps that will be taken. The action plan should include a commitment by both parties to put the issue to rest once resolved.
Soundview Executive Book Summaries John C. Maxwell "Winning with People"

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